Joined Tata Motors Pune as a Graduate Trainee Engineer in 1988 after passing out from the Delhi College of Engineering. Was in Pune for 5 years before moving on to Tata Motors, Lucknow which was a greenfield plant coming up in 1993. During these years, was part of the Ancillary Development Department and played a keen role in the launch of several new medium, light and utility vehicles.
Joined CNH India in 1997 as part of the sourcing team of their green-field plant coming up at Noida. Was instrumental in the launch of the 70, 55, 42 and 35 h.p. tractors.
In 2003, joined Carraro India. Was the Director of Purchasing for India and China and was responsible for purchasing of 2 plants each in India and China in addition to export of components from these two countries to other Carraro locations. Played a pivotal role in the extremely significant turnover growth of these plants though ensuring volume expansion besides the launch of several new products such as agricultural and construction equipment transmissions and axles, wind-mill gearboxes, skid-steer axles etc.
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